Happy New Year!
Welcome to what seems like the longest January in history. Indeed I (Luke) have given several media interviews discussing the distortion of time during lockdown. You can read my interview with Vice magazine here. It has been six months since our last update. In that time we have been working 100% from home and currently still are. Despite the vaccination roll out we don't anticipate being back on campus until at the least the summer. Along with most reseach labs we have had to move our testing online, and combined with recording all our lecture content it has been a demanding time. You can find the videos for our 3rd year course on time perception on our new youtube channel here. On the pubications front we have one new paper out on the judgement of auditory and visual stimuli and how they differ (and how they maybe more similiar in someways than has been supposed). The paper is open access and can be found here. We have several other exciting papers under review or revision which we will hopefully be able to report on soon. In October we were pleased to welcome a new member to our lab. Georgia Dunning has joined us as a master student and is going to be examining motor timing in people with autism. You can find details about Georgia's background here. Lastly we were sad to say goodbye to our visiting intern Joanna Witowska. Joanna joined us last March on a six month funded internship. Through pure bad luck she arrived two weeks before the first national lockdown. The intended project working on time in virtual reality had to be cancelled. Instead Joanna has been involved in some work looking at the relationship between time and music (part of our ongoing collaboration with the Royal Northern College of Music). I'm pleased to report that Joanna recently passed her PhD defence upon her return to Poland. Congratualtions DR Joanna Witowska! Till our next update I hope you are all staying safe and looking after each other.
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Who We are
The Time Perception lab is located in the University of Manchester. For more details see our 'About' page. Archives
September 2024